Mr. Hems, what advantages does Containment Guard have for customers?
For the very first time, Containment Guard makes it possible to compare and evaluate containment machines. Before this, customers could only use the SMEPAC Guideline which is not specific to tablet production. With our Containment Guard measurements, we have defined the corresponding parameters and closed this gap. Our Containment Guard app also uses these measurement results.
What does this app do?
It is a type of configurator for containment machines. Our sales experts can offer and explain to customers an individual system solution during an early project phase. The starting point is always the requisite retention rate of the new press. Then the app guides the user through Module Technology, Competence, and Service, and provides information on the solutions we offer.
What significance does Containment Guard have for pharmaceutical production?
Fette Compacting has been involved in all major industry developments and its innovations have often defined new standards. Containment Guard is now set to become the standard in the production of active to highly-active ingredients. It should enable customers to include their suppliers in a project at an early stage. That’s why we have standardized the portfolio for all containment levels while leaving sufficient scope for the customer to get involved in design in line with his own preferences.
Sven Hems, Manager Containment Systems