Continuous Manufacturing Circle – 22. & 23. June in Schwarzenbek/Hamburg

The live event at Fette Compacting. Together with Fette Compacting, experts from industry and production practice discuss the topic of the day: the technology and opportunities of Continuous Manufacturing.

Is a Continuous Solid-dose Manufacturing process too risky and complex for your organization? Does it require too many of your resources?

We believe it is time to leave these issues behind!  
At the exclusive two-day live event we will discuss the opportunities of Continuous Manufacturing with a international community of experts. 

Under the headline „What’s Next?“ you will experience a keynote speech, panel discussion, and practice-oriented workshops around Continuous Manufacturing: 

  • How to simplify the integration in existing production facilities

  • How to implement Continuous Manufacturing lines with existing staff

  • How to manage a wide range of formulations

  • How to make quality insurance manageable

As a special highlight, we will also be presenting a technological world premiere by Fette Compacting. 

Contact us to get more information about the What's Next? Continuous Manufacturing Circle and the opportunities to participate. 

We look forward to hearing from you!

